Devices that treat the prostate at home

It is recommended to treat acute or complicated inflammation of the prostate in the urology department. A full range of therapeutic measures are carried out there, including medication, physiotherapy and good nutrition. In milder cases, treatment can be done outside the hospital. But how to practice physiotherapy at home? A large number of portable devices for home use are now produced. The main thing is, with the help of a doctor, to choose the most suitable device and the appropriate treatment program.

Home remedies for prostatitis

The possibility of getting rid of prostatitis at home should be discussed with your doctor. Some types of this disease only require hospital treatment.

Usually folk remedies are used to relieve pain and increase the body's immunity. But therapy will be more effective when combined with traditional treatment.


Treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland outside the clinic is allowed only with an uncomplicated acute process and chronic recurrence. The urologist will prescribe drug therapy and give recommendations on home treatment methods.

In the process of recovery, proper diet, sufficient physical activity, a schedule of work and rest play an important role. Only comprehensive treatment will help you cope with the disease faster. A healthy lifestyle is of great importance for a man in order to avoid further relapses.


The drug is used for home therapy. At the same time, you can independently use other methods.

These include:

  • ;
  • microclysters;
  • baths;
  • warm-up;
  • exercise.

Several different treatments are commonly prescribed. Their combined use will allow you to quickly cope with the problem, reduce the risk of complications. It also helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and relieve the disease.

Devices for the treatment of male disease at home

types of devices for the treatment of prostatitis

To enhance the therapeutic effect of various methods of therapy, modern urology recommends the use of devices for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis and adenoma. Their assortment is varied and allows you to choose the most suitable device for each patient. The meso-medical device is used for local improvement of blood circulation.

Only a urologist can recommend a device and prescribe treatment.

It will take into account all the contraindications and the possibility of using the device in a particular case.

Advantages of such exposure

The prostatitis treatment device works in the immediate vicinity of the pathological focus. You can use it at home, its operation does not require special training.

This physiotherapy method reduces the amount of drugs used. After the first sessions, patients notice a significant improvement in their condition, a decrease in pain.


As with any method of treatment, the use of various devices for inflammation of the prostate may not be appropriate for all patients. Before using devices for the treatment of prostatitis at home, you should consult a specialist, study the reviews.

The method is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • for acute prostatitis and chronic complications;
  • malignant neoplasms of the gland;
  • inflammatory diseases of the rectum;
  • tuberculosis;
  • intestinal oncology.

Applied apparatus method of treating inflammation of the prostate, not only for therapy, but also for the prevention of disease, the removal of stagnant processes in the gland. It heals the entire genitourinary system of a man.

Classification of existing devices

The market for prostatitis treatment devices is quite large. The devices have different types of effects.

According to this principle, they are divided into the following categories:

  • vibrating;
  • empty;
  • magnetic
  • ;
  • pest control.

Each type of medical equipment has its own indications and contraindications. Each of the devices is used for different types of inflammation of the prostate, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body. The attending physician selects the most appropriate device.

General precautions when using devices

The most important precaution when carrying out physiotherapy at home is the obligatory consultation of the attending physician, otherwise, instead of a therapeutic effect, the condition may be aggravated. Only the doctor will determine whether this type of treatment should be applied to the patient, select the intensity, duration of procedures and duration of the course.

Before conducting a session, it is necessary to check the integrity of the body of the device, the isolation, only then that it can be connected to the network. You should carefully study the operating instructions of the device and strictly follow it. Physiotherapeutic treatment should not be carried out if the skin has rashes, allergic reactions.

Criteria for choosing a device: what to look for

classification of devices for the treatment of prostatitis

First of all, when choosing a device, it is necessary to consult a urologist, he will advise which one to choose, taking into account the specifics of the disease and the individual characteristics of a person withparticular.

Then you should pay attention to the presence of clinical trials, safety evidence and a positive effect on a man's body.

It is necessary to study the characteristics of the device, its cost, read customer reviews. Combination devices are the most expensive and affordable.

Treatment reviews

The efficiency of the processing, the simplicity and the operational safety of the devices can be judged by the critics. Before choosing a device, the patient should consult a doctor, read the recommendations on the Internet.

It is necessary to know the opinion of patients who used home physiotherapy devices for the treatment of the inflammatory process of the prostate, adenoma. It is also important to obtain the recommendations of the doctors who have used them in their practice, it is a prerequisite before use.


As part of complex therapy, many devices for treating inflammation of the prostate have a good therapeutic effect. The pharmacy chain offers a wide selection of devices of different types of display and models. Before carrying out such a procedure, you should definitely consult with your doctor about the expediency of manipulation, recommended devices, the power and duration of sessions, the duration of the course. An even better result is observed when using devices for preventive purposes. If a man has many predisposing factors for the development of prostate diseases, these means can be used to prevent the disease.